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Hello! My name is Hasan and I am a sophomore at UBC studying Computer Science and Business. I am a passionate software developer with a diverse portfolio of projects containing a variety of technical stacks. I also have extensive leadership experience through my professional and extracurricular endeavours. When I'm not coding, you can find me hitting the gym, playing soccer or volunteering in my community! Feel free to look around my website and view my resume here.

Highlighted Projects

I have experience designing, developing and deploying applications! See below for the highlighed projects.

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GroUber - Carpool Router
August 2020

Grouber is an application to help plan your next event requiring carpooling. You create your event, send an invite link to your friends, and create a carpool schedule with one click. As a participant, simply receive a link, RSVP, and inform the organizer of how many seats you have available. The application determines the optimal route and number of drivers given a set of drivers and passengers. Specifically, it is able to calculate whether it is more efficient for a driver to drive themselves or become a passenger. This is done through an algorithm that is implemented using heuristic techniques alongside the Google Maps and Radar.io API.

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Arbitrage Detector
July 2020

A console based application that uses the Bellman-Ford algorithm to detect arbitrage opportunities. The Bellman-Ford algorithm finds the minimum path from a single source vertex to all other vertices on a weighted directed graph. This algorithm is different from Dijkstra as it is able to detect negative-weight cycles. These negative-weight cycles represent arbitrage opportunities in the market and in theory allow us to make risk-free profit.

Sendex- A Real-time Chat Application
July 2020

Sendex is a web application that allows you to send messages to your friends and chat in real-time. The user signs up for an account using their email which allows their friends to easily search for them using the built-in search functionality. The app is designed with Material UI and uses Firebase hosting, authentication and Firestore database.

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Sorting Visualizer
June 2020

A Sorting Visualizer implemented using C# and Windows Forms Application. The application visualizes an array of unsorted integers as bars. Each bar has a height corresponding to the value at that position in the array. From here, the array is sorted and the bars indicate movement of the integers within the array throughout the sorting algorithm.

C#Windows Forms